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Subforums: Nevex Clan #1 [SA:MP]
Detalii despre clanul nostru.
Details about our clan.
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Anunturi despre clan.
Announcements about clan.
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Clan Wars
Vrei sa faci un clan war cu noi ? Fa o cerere aici !
Do you want to make a clan war with us ? Do a request here !
1 1 Среда, 16.09.2015, 18:53
Thread: SkiLLz
Posted by: snower
Aici sunt postate toate antrenamentele clanului.
Here are posted all clan's trainings.
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Cereri de intrare/Joining requests
Vrei sa fii o parte dintre noi ? Fa o cerere aici.
Do you want to be a part of us ? Make a request here.
1 0 Вторник, 15.09.2015, 09:16
Thread: Model Intrare in Clan + Reguli
Posted by: snower
Discutii intre membrii clanului.
Discussions between clan's members.
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Tester Zone
Activitatea testerilor este aici.
Testers' activity is there.
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Alte cereri/Other requests
Aici poti face alte cereri legate de clan.
Here you can make other requests related to the clan.
7 0 Вторник, 15.09.2015, 09:22
Thread: Model cerere Tester
Posted by: snower
Vrei sa iesi din clan ? Anunta-ne.
Do you want to leave the clan ? Announce us.
1 0 Вторник, 15.09.2015, 09:22
Thread: Model Iesire
Posted by: snower

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